As an offshoot of the Network Renewal Programme, ICTS is introducing Network Access Control (NAC) mechanisms on the UCT wired network across campus. NAC will enhance network security on campus and help us to align with our cyber insurer’s requirements, and comply with  a range of local and international standards and legislation. This new feature will ensure that every device connecting to our network via cable is authenticated and that the user or device owner can be identified by their UCT network account. It will also pave the way for network segmentation – an upcoming security measure which will further enhance control around access to specific UCT servers and services. 

When will this happen?

The change will be applied to all buildings on campus over the course of 2024, as per the schedule posted on this page.

What do I need to do?

If your device connects wirelessly, you don’t need to take action.

However, if you connect any device on campus using a network cable, you will need to configure that device by the deadline communicated to your specific building.

To do so, please follow the instructions below relevant to your operating system for each wired device you use on campus:

Instructions for Windows 10 and 11

You can use the eduroam CAT tool to have the configuration done automatically:

  1. Download and run the Windows installation file.
  • Note: If you cannot proceed because you are prompted for an administrator username and password, you can end the process here. You won’t be cut off from the network after the deadline, as the settings will be pushed to your device automatically. 
  1. When asked whether you want to enable access on wired interfaces, click Yes.
  2. ​When prompted, enter your UCT and UCT network password.

Alternatively, you can manually configure your computer by following these steps:

  1. Click the Windows Start button, then search for and run services.msc.
  2. In the Services window, scroll down to the bottom of the list, then double-click Wired AutoConfig.
  3. In the Wired AutoConfig Properties window:
    • Click Start.
    • Change the Startup type to Automatic.
    • Click Apply, then click OK to close the Wired AutoConfig Properties window.
    • Close the Services window.
  4. Click the Windows Start button, search for Control Panel, then navigate to Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center.
  5. In the left-hand column, click Change adapter settings.
  6. In the Network Connections window, right-click Ethernet then select Properties.

    Note: If you cannot proceed because you are prompted for an administrator username and password, you can end the process here. You won’t be cut off from the network after the deadline, as the settings will be pushed to your device automatically. 
  7. In the Ethernet Properties window, select the Authentication tab.
    • Click Settings.
    • Select Verify the server’s identity by validating the certificate.
    • Select Connect to these servers.
    • In the text box insert the following: *;
  8. Click the Configure button below, then de-select Automatically use my Windows log-on name and password (and domain if any).
  9. Close the dialogue box, then close the Protected EAP Properties window.
  10. In the Ethernet Properties window:
    • If you’ll be using this computer at home, ensure that the Fall-back to unauthorised network access option is enabled.
    • Click Additional Settings...
    • In the Advanced Settings window, select Specify authentication mode and select User authentication.
    • Click OK.
  11. If a Windows Security dialogue box prompts you to sign in, do so using these details:
    • Username: Staff / student
    • Password: Your UCT network password.
  12. Close all other windows.

Connection issues after enablement 

After the deadline, if you are having trouble connecting to the internet:

  1. Check if you can access the Service Portal. If so, your issue is NAC-related. Please follow this link to log a NAC request. Or contact the NAC support line on 021 650 8050.
  2. If you cannot access the Service Portal, you are experiencing a different network issue. For example, your device might connect to the network but has no internet access. In such cases, please contact the IT Helpdesk on 021 650 4500 (choose option 1). Alternatively, use your mobile phone to log a request in the Service Portal (eduroam is not impacted by this initiative.)

Instructions for other operating systems

If you have a computing device that isn't covered above, let us know by filling out this form.