Your computer has been installed with Windows 11. What follows are instructions on logging in, setting up, and getting familiar with the new system.

1. Get started

  1. When you open and switch on the laptop, you will see the message Just a moment, configuring the hardware.
  2. The following message will appear: Let's start with the region. Is this right?
    • Select South Africa, then click Yes.
  3. The following message will appear: Is this the right keyboard layout?
    • Select US, then click Yes.
  4. The following message will appear: Want to add a second keyboard layout?
    • Click Skip if you don't want another layout, otherwise click Add layout.
  5. The following message will appear: Let’s connect you to a network
    • Select I don’t have internet..
  6. The following message will appear: There’s more to discover when you connect to the internet.
    • Select Continue with limited setup.

2. Create a user account

In the account section, you will set up your computer user account and password.

  1. The following message will appear: Who's going to use this PC?
    • Type in your preferred name to create your account, then click Next.
  2. The following message will appear: Create a super memorable password
    • Create a password, then click Next.
  3. The following message will appear: Confirm your password.
    • Re-enter your password, then click Next.
  4. Add a hint for your password, then click Next.

3. Set up services

Customise your privacy settings in this section.

  1. The following message will appear: Choose privacy settings for your device
    • Customise the privacy settings on your device, then click Accept.
  2. Your account and personalised settings will be set up on the machine. This may take some time.
  3. Once complete, you will be directed to the desktop.

4. On campus? Connect the WiFi and log into eduroam

Network (ethernet) cable WiFi (eduroam)
  1. Ensure that your computer is connected to a UCT network point.
  2. Check that the Network (LAN) icon is
    visiblein the bottom-right hand
    corner of the screen.

Should the Network icon not display, the network
connection may not be working correctly. Please
contact the IT Helpdesk for assistance.


The following networking icons may appear:



  1. Ensure that your computer's WiFi is switched on.

  2. At the login screen select the WiFi network icon in the bottom-right corner of your screen.
  3. When the list of wireless connections appears, select eduroam and click Connect.
  4. When prompted, log on with your UCT credentials,
    (Username is your student number)
    Password: your UCT network password
  5. Select Connect when prompted to Continue
  6. Once you are successfully authenticated, your
    status will change to Connected. (Note that it
    may briefly display Limited connectivity for a
    few seconds before this.)

Your credentials should now be stored and you will only be prompted to connect again when you change your UCT network password.

5. Off campus? Set up a mobile hotspot and connect to WiFi

Setting up your phone as a mobile hotspot

You will only need to do this if you do not have a home or public network point to connect to.

  1. Please consult the following article on activating your cellphone as a mobile hotspot.
  2. Once your phone is set up, it will provide you with a password which you will use to log in to the mobile hotspot.
Connecting to WiFi
  1. On the login screen, select the WiFi network icon in the bottom-right corner.
  2. When the list of wireless connections appears, select the name of your mobile hotspot or WiFi network and click Connect.
  3. When prompted, log on by entering the network password.
  4. Check the box marked Connect automatically.
  5. Once you are successfully authenticated, your status will change to Connected.


The following networking icons may appear:



6. Install software

You will need certain basic software on your computer. Please install the following:

1. Install Trellix Endpoint Security

  • Log on to the Downloads section > select Windows.
  • Select Antivirus > TrellixHOME_ENS10706.EXE (for Windows).
    Note: this is the complete installation for Trellix (McAfee) Endpoint Security 10.7 for Home users. 
  • Click Save and choose where you want to save the file (e.g. your Desktop).
  • Navigate to where you saved the .exe file.
  • Right-click the .exe file and click Run as administrator to begin installation.
  • Once the dialog box confirms successful installation, click OK.
  • You must restart your machine once the installation is completed. Trellix Endpoint Security then starts and the icon appears in the system tray.

2. Install Microsoft 365

  • Go to
  • Log on using your student email address ( and password.
  • Click the Settings icon in the upper right corner, and then select Microsoft 365 settings.
  • Click Software in the left menu.
  • Select your desired Language.
  • Click Install to download and install the latest version of Office.

3. Install Adobe Acrobat Reader

  • Log on to the Downloads section > select Windows.
  • Select Applications > Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.
  • Click Save and choose where you want to save the file (e.g. your Desktop).
  • Navigate to where you saved the Adobe Acrobat Reader.exe file.
  • Double-click the Adobe Acrobat Reader.exe file to begin installation.
  • Follow the prompts to install the software.
  • Once the dialog box confirms successful installation, click OK.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader is now successfully installed.

4. Install a web browser
Should you prefer another web browser, you can download Chrome or Firefox by visiting these links:

7. Visit this checklist

To continue setting up your computer and make sure you are up to speed with all your IT needs on campus, please visit this digital checklist and make sure you have all your IT boxes checked.

8. Get to know Windows 11

There will be some difference in the way you work, especially if this is an upgrade from an earlier operating system such as Windows 10. Don't worry, there are plenty of resources to help you.

The Get Started app

  1. Get to know Windows 11 with the Get Started app. It tells you what's new and what you need to get going with Windows 11.
  2. To find it, click the Start button to locate it in the Start menu.

LinkedIn Learning

There are some good courses on LinkedIn Learning to help you get familiar with the new operating system. Simply navigate to and enter your UCT credentials on the UCT single sign-on screen. Once logged in, search for Windows 11 and start learning.

9. Getting help

Should you need any assistance, please visit the ICTS Front Office or ICTS on Main walk-in centre. contact us and we'll be happy to help you.