Although you can manually set up your wireless connection, we recommend that you rather use the automated Configuration Assistant Tool - eduroam CAT. The tool enhances your security by configuring your settings correctly. This ensures that you always connect to the authentic, UCT eduroam service – and not any rogue WiFi network that might impersonate the official service.

Laptop instructions

Windows and Apple users Linux users
Windows users:
  1. Download the installation file for your operating system:
  2. Open the downloaded installation file.
  3. When prompted, enter your UCT and UCT network password.
Apple users:
  1. Download the Apple device installation file.
  2. Open the downloaded installation file.
  3. When prompted, enter your UCT and UCT network password.
  1. Download the Linux installation file.
  2. Open Terminal and give the file "execute" permission by typing:
    chmod +x /path_to_your_download_folder/
  3. In Terminal, run your script by typing:
    (Substitute the text "path_to_your_download_folder" with the actual path.)
  4. When prompted, enter your UCT and UCT network password.
  5. Confirm your password.

If your laptop can also connect via network cable, configure your web browser(s) for automatic proxy detection. And if you live in a UCT student residence, register your device on the Network Access Control registration page.


Mobile instructions

Apple iOS Android
  1. Download the Apple device installation file.
  2. When the profile opens, tap Install and enter your passcode.
    (Depending on your device, you may need to tap Install twice.)
  3. Enter your UCT and UCT network password then tap Done.
  1. Install the eduroam CAT app (by GÉANT Association) from the Google Play Store.
  2. Return to this article and tap the link corresponding with your operating system:
  3. In your device's notification area, tap the downloaded installation file.
  4. When the file opens in the eduroam CAT app, tap Install.
  5. Enter your UCT and UCT network password then tap Install.