Where does UCT get its bandwidth from?
UCT buys its internet bandwidth via TENET (Tertiary Education and Research Network of South Africa), a body that supplies internet and related services to higher education institutions in South Africa. Within this framework, UCT's international bandwidth travels via two main underwater cable routes: the West Africa Cable System (WACS) and SEACOM.

UCT uses WACS and SEACOM – two of the undersea cables connecting South Africa to the rest of the world
Is there a limit to how much bandwidth I can use per month?
At present, ICTS is not enforcing monthly internet quotas. However, individual usage is being monitored. You are expected to use the internet responsibly, in moderation, and for work and study-related purposes and must abide by the UCT policy and rules on internet and email use.
If you are found to be using the internet excessively or should you violate the policy, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against you.
I want to use the internet for private, non-academic purposes. Can I buy some bandwidth from UCT?
No. UCT is not an internet service provider and does not sell bandwidth to individuals. For private internet bandwidth, use your cellular network’s data packages or find a package with a reputable internet service provider.
How do I connect my device to the internet at UCT?
Depending on what device you are using and where you are connecting from, instructions will be different. See Access the internet at UCT for full details.
Does UCT shape internet traffic?
At present, ICTS ensures that international bandwidth is suitably allocated. In most cases, there is no need to shape or prioritise different kinds of traffic. Should the need arise, some traffic may get preference over that which is not considered to be an institutional priority.