Who conducts the testing?

ICTS staff in our specialised Research and Development team are responsible for testing the software and updating the test matrices so that you can keep track of the testing procedure.

What is tested?

ICTS conducts product suitability testing to ensure that the software in question does not impact on any of the core applications or services currently in use at UCT such as Vula, ServiceNow, PeopleSoft and SAP.

Can I install the software before it is tested?

We recommend that you do not install software on your machine until we have completed our testing, as we will not be able to provide support for software until all core applications and services on campus have been tested.

How will I know when it is safe to install software?

ICTS will keep you informed via email and social media as to the progress of all the software being tested. Keep an eye on your mail so you know when you can go ahead and install new software released to campus.