There are 2 main roles assigned to those who use Anywhere 365: agents and supervisors. Agents use the Unified Contact Centre (UCC) for handling dialogues in the form of calls, chats, emails and more. Supervisors have access to additional UCC features and are responsible for managing agents.

Should you require any further assistance beyond the instructions provided, please visit the Anywhere 365 website for a comprehensive FAQ.

Install Snapper

The Inflight Snapper is a UCC agent and supervisor dashboard. It is an extension of Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams containing UCC statistics and feature settings. Features include sign-in, sign-out, update reason code, update wrap-up time, and call on behalf of. Statistics include Calls Overview, Call History, and advanced statistics with an overview of UCC activities.

These instructions will guide you on installing and configuring the Snapper client, which will be your UCC working dashboard:

Use Snapper

Agent instructions

Supervisor instructions