FAQ LAMP hosting | Terms of use for LAMP

The Linux, Apache, MySQL/MS SQL and PHP (LAMP) environment caters for specialised websites that cannot be accommodated on either of the other environments due to it being too technical and complex. Site owners using this environment need to agree to maintain their code regularly to keep the core technology updated.
NOTE: Pure HTML/JavaScript sites do not qualify for hosting on the LAMP environment.
Applying for a site
- Log a call with the IT Helpdesk and provide the following important information when doing so:
- Description of the website.
- DNS name required (e.g. mysitename.uct.ac.za).
- The name of the department you represent.
- The name of the faculty you represent.
- The username (staff number) of the site owner.
- ICTS will submit a request to UCT's Communication and Marketing Department (CMD) to get approval to create a website.
- ICTS will then create a domain name (based on your DNS name) and your LAMP site based on details you have provided.
- Your WebDAV login details will then be sent to you.
- You will now be able to access the LAMP server site via WebDAV to upload and administer your site files.
For more information on managing your website, see the FAQs related to LAMP hosting.