Do you need to learn about:
guidelines for composing professional email messages
the appropriate use of tone and tone 'families'
message composition using the direct and indirect approach for different circumstances
purpose and composition
language and phrasing guidelines and tools
overview on writing steps to help clients carry out tasks and make decisions
Course format
This course comprises the following:
1. Seminar presentation (one and a half hours)
2. One-on-one follow up session (half an hour)
In the follow-up session we look at a few examples of your emails and give some pointers on improving the composition and tone and applying structure and consistency.
It will equip you to write professional, well structured emails to suit your audience and purpose.
This course does not teach you how to use your email software. However, we will give you tips on setting up some useful features like signatures and group distribution lists on request.
To request a seminar for your area:
Contact any member of the Content Architecture team, Systems Division either by email or call us on 650 4335