Microsoft will be ending support for Windows 7 in January 2020

Microsoft has announced that the ‘end-of-life’  deadline for Windows 7 is 14th January 2020. This means that after January 2020, Microsoft will cease to provide support, patches and updates for this operating system. Any machines running Windows 7 could then pose a security risk to the UCT network. Read more >>

Which version of Windows 7 does ICTS install on new computers: the 32-bit version or the 64-bit version?

While there are still some machines on campus running the 32-bit version due to hardware constraints, ICTS only installs the 64-bit version of Windows 7 on new computers.

Is it possible to install Windows 7 Enterprise 32-bit on a computer?

If a computer links to older hardware (like scanners and printers) or uses software applications that are only compatible with Windows 7 Enterprise 32-bit, ICTS will install and support Windows 7 Enterprise 32-bit on that computer.

Can I run 32-bit software on a 64-bit computer?

Most software designed for the 32-bit version of Windows will work on the 64-bit version of Windows. However, there are some notable exceptions:  

  • Many antivirus programs are not able to run on a 64-bit version of Windows.
  • Device drivers that were designed for the 32-bit version of Windows don't work on computers running a 64-bit version of Windows, e.g. If you're trying to install a printer or other device that only has 32-bit drivers available, it won't work correctly on a 64-bit version of Windows. Software companies (vendors) write these device drivers and not ICTS.
Can I run 64-bit software on a 32-bit computer?

No, if the software  is specifically designed for the 64-bit version of Windows, it won't work on the 32-bit version of Windows and device drivers of designed for the 64-bit version of Windows don't work on computers running a 32-bit version of Windows. 

Can I upgrade from a 32-bit version of Windows to a 64-bit version?

If your PC has a 64-bit-capable processor (CPU), you can install a 64-bit version of Windows. Contact ICTS to help you with the installation by logging a call online.

When will Windows 10 be released?

Windows 10 will be released to campus (labs and UCT-owned machines) in the third quarter of 2016. The date and details of the release will be communicated to campus by email and social media.
Those staff and students who have their own computers or laptops are free to upgrade to Windows 10 at any time. Follow the instructions on the Microsoft website and be sure to make a backup of your data before embarking on the process.

ICTS does not offer official full support for Windows 10, but we do offer best effort support at the Front Office.

Why don’t we use Windows 8 on campus?

After extensive testing of Windows 8 found that there were compatibility issues with some critical specialist software that is used in certain labs or departments across the university UCT elected to stay with the Windows 7 operating system on campus.

As Microsoft announced its intention to continue full support of Windows 7 though to 2020, ICTS decided to wait until Windows 10 was released and release that to campus once testing was complete.

What happens when my PC is sold?

Ensure that you read and follow the Disposal/Internal transfer of ownership of UCT IT Equipment policy.
When assets like your computer are no longer required in your department because, for example, you have upgraded, the University will seek to re-deploy the machine elsewhere on campus. If it is not needed elsewhere, it may be offered for sale. Before this happens, the machine is completely formatted and the original operating system is reinstalled.

Most equipment is offered for internal sale to other UCT departments. If it is not sold, it is then offered to staff or students at prices set by your department. Some equipment is also sold or donated externally.

It will be advertised via mailing lists and the internal trading post which is hosted by Procurement and Payment Services. This portal is where surplus IT equipment is advertised and its transfer is arranged for UCT departments and staff.

How do I upgrade my operating system?

If you need to upgrade to a newer version of Windows, please log a call with the IT Service Desk. Do not try to undertake the installation yourself.

Why is there a delay between when a vendor releases a new version and the release to campus?

All the software used at UCT is thoroughly tested to ensure that it is compatible with business critical software and systems that are already in place on campus. When vendors release new software, a beta version (known as the Tech Preview or First Release) is made available for testing before it is released to the public.  For example, if a new operating system (OS) version is made available, then all other software vendors need time to update their software so that it is compatible with the new OS. 

ICTS also uses this Tech preview. Once we receive that software, we begin testing it with all of the systems on campus you use every day, such as Vula, PeopleSoft, SAP and Novell. As there are many complex systems on campus, the testing can sometimes take several months. In addition, the developers of the systems we use (e.g. PeopleSoft and SAP) also have to release updates so that their software will be compatible with any new software versions released. This can take quite a while as well, with the result being a lag between when software is released and when we release it to campus.