The UCT community consists of various types of individuals, such as students, academic staff, PASS staff, contractors, etc. Each type of person get access to different facilities and resources based on their role in the organisation.
The UCT Role Model is a set of principles that defines the various roles at UCT and the resources that members of each role are entitled to. This assists back-end systems to automatically provide access rights to individuals when they arrive at UCT.
What is the UCT role model?
Find out more about the different roles at UCT
UCT role model for staff
See the different types of access afforded to different members of staff
UCT role model for students
Find out which facilities and services are available to different types of students
UCT role model for alumni
See which facilities and services are available to alumni
UCT role model for third parties
Learn about the types of third parties at UCT and the facilities and services they can use