Get help, log a call, request access to a service

You can log a call with our IT Helpdesk by either:

Operating hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am - 4:30pm
Thursday:8am - 3:15pm


You can visit one of our walk-in centres on campus:

  • Upper Campus: The ICTS Front Office is located on Upper Campus in the Computer Science building. It is accessible from Cissie Gool Plaza, opposite the food court.
  • Lower Campus: The ICTS-on-Main Walk-in Centre is located in Room 1.10 of ICTS-on-Main, 7 Main Road, Mowbray (see directions).

Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am - 4:30pm
Thursday:8am - 3:15pm


Social Media

We offer support on social media:

These accounts are monitored on weekdays during term from 08h00 - 22h00.

You can also view our get help videos on our YouTube channel (


Purchase software or hardware

Contact the ICTS Acquisitions team for a quotation via the Hardware and Software acquisitions option.


ICTS website queries

Report broken links, problems with the website, etc. to the ICTS Communications team


Stay informed

ICTS uses a number of methods to keep campus informed and, in some instances, you have a choice in what you would like to receive.

If you want to... Then you need to...
Receive announcements about projects, improvements, ICT services, scheduled maintenance slots and known problems that affect large numbers of users on campus.

Subscribe to the icts-announce-l mailing list by sending an email to or follow the instructions provided below.

  1. In the Outlook desktop client, click the Home tab and > Browse Groups.
  2. Enter icts-announce-l in the search box and click Join.
  3. A request will be sent to the group owners to process your request.
Ask an ICT-related question that is not a request for assistance (see Log a call above). Send an email to
Follow ICTS tweets and Facebook posts about scheduled maintenance, known problems, system changes, projects and general information. X: ICTS at UCT
Facebook: ICTS