When it comes to IT equipment, buying the cheapest product or solution often means you’ll face problems down the line. We work hard to balance cost and quality of our offerings to ensure that what we buy is of a high quality.
Our vendors are carefully chosen to ensure they offer the best products and services through a periodic RFP (Request For Proposal) process. We constantly negotiate pricing to make sure it is competitive, and aren’t afraid to shop around for better pricing if we need to, so that we can bring you products at the lowest prices possible.
The price lists cover hardware and software prices. In addition, there is a price list for the rental of equipment which covers the rental of a range of laptops, notebooks and printers. You can also rent fully equipped training rooms.
We maintain the following price lists for goods and services. The price lists are updated once new pricing is released.
ICTS services price list
Prices of the services we offer over and above our standard offering to you. These include purchasing extra storage and mailbox space, data recovery and other services.
Equipment and software price list
This lists all the computers, accessories, equipment and software that you can purchase from ICTS. Purchase from this list is for staff only, as sanctioned by their department.
Price list for disposal of goods older than 5 years
This acts as a guideline for departments who want a guideline on the price of equipment that is being disposed of.
Rental of training rooms
Two ICT-equipped training rooms are available for hire when not being used for scheduled training. The venues can be rented out to UCT staff members who must pay via a fund and cost centre.