Lecture recording is only available in certain classrooms.

Classroom location Instructions
Upper & Middle campuses

Ensure you schedule your lecture recordings through your Vula site. For more information on this process, please visit

When conducting your lecture:

  • To record your voice clearly, use the lapel mic (when available).
  • Any media projected through the classroom data projectors will be recorded.
  • If you're using a blackboard or whiteboard, please keep within the camera's field of view. See the field of view in the Classroom information database > Name of classroom you’re using.
Other campuses
  1. Book a lecture recording session via the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT).
  2. Once CILT confirms your booking, take note of the information and instructions they provide.
  3. When conducting your lecture:
    • Use the lapel mic (when available) to clearly record your voice.
    • Remember to repeat a student's comment or question, so that others can hear it and it can be recorded.
    • Any media projected through the classroom data projectors will be recorded.
    • If you're using a blackboard or whiteboard, please keep within the camera's field of view. See the field of view in the Classroom information database > Name of classroom you’re using.