ICTS enhances teaching and learning at UCT by providing staff and students with the technology required to improve the learning experience. Centrally-bookable teaching venues have been upgraded and equipped with high end audio-visual and IT equipment.
Dedicated teams of consultants are on hand to provide classroom support to lecturers. ICTS also manages a number of student computing labs which enable students to access the Internet, course-specific software, print documents and access storage on the UCT network.
The UCT classroom
Find out what's in each classroom, how to use the audio-visual equipment, and how to get classroom support. Also see when you'll be charged for using centrally-bookable classrooms and equipment.
Student computing labs
There are labs situated across campus and in residences for you to work in
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The ICTS MCQ service
ICTS offers a Multiple Choice Questionnaire (MCQ) service to all UCT departments.
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