The UCT ICT Strategy was approved by Council in October 2022. This is a strategy for ICTs across the University that is designed to align with the direction and the stated goals of UCT's Vision 2030.
The ICT Strategy identifies seven key initiatives that are needed to achieve the desired ICT state. As the Working Group, we have used those initiatives and the associated major deliverables that they imply, to identify the set of actions, which should be executed as projects.
This gave rise to a set of roughly 115 projects. Some are already on our register and either in progress or planned.  Others have been proposed but are not funded, and others will need to be planned, funded and executed.  Since a single project may support more than one of the key initiatives, these projects have been combined into Programmes of Work.  The delivery of the strategy will be planned, monitored and reported on according to these programmes of work.
One of the programmes of work addresses Governance, and this is currently focused on aligning our committees, particularly in the area of project prioritisation and tracking, so that the decisions we make are aligned with the strategy.
Another programme addresses communication and engagement, and here we have started discussions with Faculties and other key units about how best to improve the ways that we work together, given that the strategy encompasses ICTs for all of UCT, whether they are provided by ICTS or not.