In the same way that you protect your possessions, you also need to secure your cyber environment from potential threats. This means making sure that you secure your device by installing anti-virus software and software patches and updates when required. You also need to be on the lookout for spam and phishing. Report any potential cyber security threats to the UCT CSIRT who will take the appropriate action. ICTS also regularly publishes information designed to help you protect yourself against cyber-attacks.
Secure your device
Make sure you have an up-to-date anti-virus application installed and always install patches and updates for your device
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Spam and phishing protection
Always be on the lookout for suspicious emails and links
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UCT's Computer Security Incident Response Team will respond to, control and manage computer security incidents
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The UCT Perimeter Firewall improves campus network security and effectively manages Internet bandwidth usage
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This online email management tool manages spam and phishing attempts at UCT.
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We have numerous resources and articles on all aspects of security and cyber security
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