
Before seeking support

There are several options you may want to try before requesting classroom support. If you need to know what's in a classroom and how to use the equipment, consult the Classroom information database. For video demonstrations on using the equipment, read our article on using the UCT classroom.

What support is provided?

Various UCT departments manage the support and maintenance of UCT’s centrally-bookable classrooms:

  • Audio-visual and IT equipment: Classroom Support Services provides assistance for Audio-visual and IT (AV/IT) equipment on the upper, middle, lower and Hiddingh campuses. The Health Sciences Classroom Support team performs the same function for the Health Sciences campus.
  • Physical and structural issues: Properties and Services manages the physical infrastructure of classrooms – such as air conditioning, furniture and more.

The classroom support teams perform these services only for centrally-bookable classrooms. For departmentally-managed classrooms, the relevant department is responsible for support.

How to get help

I don't know how to use the equipment

Consult the equipment instruction sheet on the lectern or the instructions in the Classroom information database.

I need immediate support with equipment
Type of venue Who to contact

Centrally-bookable venues 
upper, middle and lower campuses

Support hours: 07:30 - 18:00

Phone: (021) 650-4500 and select Option 2 then option 1
(If the classroom has been upgraded, use the phone on the teaching wall)


If you need to escalate an unresolved query or complaint, please contact the CSS manager.

Health Sciences Faculty venues

Support hours: 07:30 - 16:00

Groote Schuur Hospital venues:

Phone: Natasha Dourie on (021) 406 6070 / 071 387 5815
(If the classroom has been upgraded, use the phone on the teaching wall)


Faculty-managed venues:


  • Jojo (Xolile Jojozi): (021) 406 6662 or 082 927 2412
  • Menwyn Samboer: (021) 406 6662 or contact him via Microsoft Teams

(If the classroom has been upgraded, use the phone on the teaching wall)


Departmentally-managed venues, tut rooms and seminar rooms Contact the department that manages the venue.
Computer labs Contact the relevant lab administrator.
I need more chairs or tables

Contact the nearest Campus Cleaning Service employee in or around your classroom.

I want to report physical damage

If there’s physical or structural damage (e.g. broken air conditioners, furniture, etc.), report the incident to the Properties and Services Helpdesk:

  • Phone: 021 650-4500, select option 2, then select option 2 again.
  • Log online report: Using Internet Explorer, open and fill out the BAS11 form online. (See form Help | Video)
I want to report damaged IT or audio-visual equipment
  • Upper, middle, lower and Hiddingh campuses: Contact the CSS helpdesk. If you send an email, if possible please include a photo of the broken item.
  • Health Sciences campus: Contact the Health Sciences Classroom Support team. If you send an email, if possible please include a photo of the broken item.