The Metadata Working Group (MWG) was formed to implement and manage the Metadata and Information Architecture Policy, one of the Council-approved governance policies developed by UCT’s Enterprise Content Management (ECM) programme.

The group comprises the UCT Libraries Cataloguing and Metadata Services and the ICTS Content Architecture team. It also includes various co-opted members from Open UCT, the UCT Research Office and DataFirst – who will be included where necessary.


  • Implement the Metadata and Information Architecture Policy.
  • Ensure collaboration and the sharing of information on metadata and information architecture management between UCT Libraries and ICTS.
  • Manage, maintain, support and promote metadata application at UCT.

Implementation of the Metadata and Information Architecture policy

Project outline
  • Assess content collections at UCT. See: UCT content collections questionnaire closed 31 May 2013)
  • Set UCT standards and guidelines
  • Collect UCT controlled vocabularies and lists
  • Test and implement metadata repository
  • Create help resources and documentation
  • Communicate to create awareness
Key stakeholders
  • Content collection owners/users
  • Content channel owners
  • UCT Libraries
  • ICTS

Contact details for queries