- Contact our Service Desk by logging a call online in the Service Portal
- Email us at icts-helpdesk@uct.ac.za
- Call 021 650 4500
- Connect with ICTS social media (Facebook | X (formerly known as Twitter)
- Visit the ICTS Front Office on Cissie Gool Plaza or the ICTS-on-Main Walk-in Centre in Mowbray
Does a permanent password make my UCT account safer?
No. While you won't need to change your password again (unless you want to), a permanent password does not necessarily reduce the risk of your account being hacked or compromised. Please use a secure password and remain vigilant about phishing and other security risks.
Can I re-use my UCT password for other non-UCT services?
Please avoid using your UCT password for external websites and services. Doing so puts UCT at risk, because if those sites or services are hacked and your password is stolen, your UCT account – along with the network – can be compromised.
Why do I need to provide a mobile number and alternate email address?
If you forget your password, the system will send you a one-time password (OTP) token to reset your password. The token will be sent to your mobile number or to your alternate email address (if you haven't provided a mobile number).
What if I my mobile number or alternate email address changes?
You need to go back into Password Self-Service and update the details that you originally provided.
What if I don't have any alternate contact details?
If you don't have an alternate email address or a mobile phone number, you can still change your password via Password Self-Service. When prompted to enter your alternate contact details, just ensure that all the fields are blank and click Update - even though you have not entered any information. After that, select the Change password option to enter your new password.
However, should you ever forget your password in the future, you will need to seek assistance from ICTS because the Forgot Password utility won't work for you as you have left the alternate contact fields blank.
If at any stage you either acquire a mobile phone or set up an alternate email account, you can come back to the Password Self-Service tool and update your details.
Why can't I update my contact details for other systems via PSS?
Password Self-Service is intended for password management only. To protect your privacy, the information in the Password Self-Service system is not replicated to any other UCT administrative system.
If you need to update your staff number, name or surname, fill out an HR101 form and submit that to your departmental HR advisor.
If you need to update your contact information, do so via the White Pages.
Can I change my password every 90 days or more frequently?
Yes. You may change your password as often as you like.
What should I do if I don't receive the SMS/email token?
Staff, third parties and masters, doctoral and postdoctoral students:
Undergraduate, honours and postgraduate diploma students:
What other ways are there to reset my password?
If you cannot reset your password via Password Self-Service, seek assistance by using any one of the following methods:
Staff, third parties and masters, doctoral and postdoctoral students: