This guideline refers to the policy: GEN006 (interim) Remote Connectivity. For a more detailed overview on connection types, connection speed and data caps, view the Internet connectivity while working remotely web article.
Data usage bands
Typical data usage is difficult to quantify accurately and will vary according to job type. The following categories are general indications that can be taken into account by staff when determining how best to cater for their needs, and managers when determining which allowance to approve (to a maximum of R600 per person per month), or whether or not to agree to a departmentally purchased SIM card and modem (see Options for Staff below):
Light use (under 30GB per month):
- Mainly email communication
- Some voice calls (Skype for Business or MS Teams)
- Few online meetings/lectures per week (up to 5 hours), with little or no use of video
- Use of transactional systems (e.g. SAP, PeopleSoft) with few downloads
- Mandatory Security updates
Medium Use (30 – 50GB per month)
- Normal email communication volume
- Several online meetings/lectures per week (5 -15 hours), with some with use of video
- Some use of other channels (messaging, chat, etc)
- Use of other UCT systems, including some reports/downloads
- Mandatory security updates
Heavy Use (over 50GB per month):
- High email communication volume
- Over 15 hours per week of online meetings/lectures, often with video
- Significant use of other channels (messaging, chat, etc)
- Mandatory security updates
- Use of other systems, including movement of data (between those systems and staff member’s machine)
Options for Staff
1. Top up of existing capped contract
Use of an allowance to cover topping up an existing mobile/LTE or fixed line contract, where this is financially feasible.
2. Once off mobile data bundles
Typically the most expensive option, only recommended for low data volumes.
3. Daily data bundles
Less expensive option than once off, where a bundle must be consumed within a 24 hour period.
4. New contract
Considering factors such as the likely duration of various stages of the lockdown, and overall usage, staff may elect to purchase a contract that is suitable for their needs. Staff should consider coverage, duration of contract and mechanisms for managing additional data consumption, if applicable.
5. UCT-purchased SIM and modem
For light to medium data use, an option available through ICTS Acquisitions is a 3 month mobile data contract from MTN, currently at 40GB (R299) per month. This contract runs for 3 months, after which it will continue on a month to month basis, until onsite work becomes possible, or an alternative provision method is found. The cost is for the home department, and will be managed via an internal funds transfer. A once off cost for a modem (approx. R700) will apply, if needed. The SIM and modem become the property of the department. RICA requirements will be centrally coordinated. Contact for information on ordering, lead times, and other similar options which may be available.