What is the difference between LinkedIn Learning and lynda.com?
All the great content that you were accustomed to on lynda.com is now available on LinkedIn Learning. You can continue to bookmark courses and obtain certificates of completion for completed courses.
Do I need to do anything before, during or after the migration?
Microsoft and ICTS are working together to make the migration as smooth as possible. You don’t need to do anything ahead of time. When the migration is successfully completed, you will receive an email indicating that LinkedIn Learning is now available and accessible via http://lil.uct.ac.za.
Log on with your UCT username and password via the UCT Single Sign-On and accept the terms and conditions. You are then good to go.
If you want to know more about the platform, watch the How to use LinkedIn Learning video.
What happens to my lynda.com history and certificates of completion?
Your lynda.com history will be migrated to LinkedIn learning during the migration. This means that when you access LinkedIn Learning for the first time, all your information will ready and waiting for you.
Do I need to have a LinkedIn profile to use LinkedIn Learning?
No. You don’t need one, but it is strongly recommended so that you can get the most out of LinkedIn Learning. By using your personal LinkedIn profile, you will receive personal recommendations on courses that can help you grow your skillset. Additionally, you can stay up-to-date on the latest LinkedIn trends and tailor your learning accordingly.
Does this mean that UCT will be able to view my personal LinkedIn information?
No. UCT cannot see your private LinkedIn activity. The university will only be able to see what courses you have completed on LinkedIn Learning.
How will LinkedIn Learning affect my LinkedIn profile?
If you choose to connect your personal LinkedIn account to LinkedIn learning, no changes will be made to your personal LinkedIn profile. However, as you complete courses on LinkedIn Learning, you can add certificates of completion to your LinkedIn profile.
What if I don’t have a LinkedIn account?
You don’t need a LinkedIn account to use LinkedIn Learning. But if you want to create an account, follow these step-by-step instructions to build your LinkedIn profile.
Who can use LinkedIn Learning?
All UCT staff and students can use lynda.com on their PC or mobile device.
Will it count towards my quota?
LinkedIn Learning does not count towards your internet quota as it supports your skills development.
Is there a limit to the courses I can study?
No, you can study as many courses as you like. You will get a certificate of completion for each course you complete.
Can I include LinkedIn Learning courses in my development dialogues?
LinkedIn Learning courses can be included in development dialogues, but you will need to discuss this with your line manager.