Each year, the ICTS Social Responsibility team runs various projects to support worthy causes in and around Cape Town. Although ICTS staff have suggested many initiatives we could work on, the reality is that we can only run a few projects each year.

However, even though we can’t follow through on every request, we would still like to give ICTS staff a chance to contribute to multiple causes.

Below is a list of organisations that you can contribute to. Please contact the organisations directly if you wish to donate, volunteer, or contribute in any other way. 


Note that if you contribute or volunteer, you must do so in your own personal capacity – i.e. not on behalf of ICTS or UCT.

Category Organisation / Cause Information Contact details
Health Woodside Special Care Centre

A residential home providing 24-hour care for 80 profoundly intellectually and physically challenged residents.

Sponsor a child for just R35 per month, volunteer to assist residents with their daily activities, or donate.

Address: 29 Lawson Rd, Rondebosch East
Email: info@woodside.org.za 
Phone: 021 696 2811
Health The Deaf Federation of South Africa (DeafSA)

National research, information and community action organisation on behalf of ± 1.5 million South Africans that are culturally and linguistically deaf, hard of hearing, and Deafblind.

You can donate to various existing campaigns.

Address: Corner of Thicket Road & Hemlock Street, Newlands
Email: provincialdirector.wc@deafsa.co.za
Phone: 021 683 4665 / 6
Health League of Friends of the Blind

An NGO providing independence development services for the blind and visually-impaired across SA and even elsewhere in Africa.

You can volunteer as a tutor, mentor, driver, or assistant, or another role. Or donate in cash or kind to specific campaigns.

Address: 94 Klip Road, Grassy Park
Email: info@lofob.org.za
Phone: 021 705 3753
Health Vera School for Autistic Learners

One of only five Autism-specific government schools in the country, serving as an educational home to 160 autistic children, and also operating as a specialist resource centre.

Along with donations, you can volunteer to spend time with the kids, hire the school hall for events, and encourage visitors to Cape Town to stay at their hostel accommodation during school holidays.

Address: 20 Anglesey Road, Rondebosch East
Email: fundraiser@vera.co.za
Phone: 021 696 2844
Education Help2Read

An organisation dedicated to the alleviation of illiteracy in South Africa’s disadvantaged communities.

Volunteer as a Reading Helper, donate to the organisation, or start a fundraising campaign in your community to assist the cause.

Address: Unit B13, Century Square, Heron Crescent, Century City
Email: info@help2read.org
Phone: 021 930 3669 or 079 615 1633


Keen to add a cause to the list?

We will update this list from time to time so that we can continue to showcase different organisations that require help. If you’d like a specific organisation or cause to be added, please send us an email with the relevant information and we will consider publishing the details in our next update.