Although using the Snapper is recommended, some agents do not use this functionality. There is an additional feature to assist in your troubleshooting to determine the UCC status of agents not using Snapper.
This feature is compatible with all Microsoft Teams clients and can be used to manage UCC presence (log-off/log-on) on devices not compatible with the Snapper client.

Check Agent status

  1. Sign into Microsoft Teams on your PC, Mac, or Android client.
  2. In the search field, enter the UCC name.
  3. Double click or tap the UCC to initiate a chat.
  4. In the chat window type AmIReady. The UCC will respond with the agent status (e.g. signed in – right; not signed in -left), and the required action.

NOTE: All formal UCC agents will likely be using the inflight Snapper. You can use this function to query both informal and formal agents’ statuses.