IT Liaisons pass on information

What is the role of the ITL?

  • To pass on information received via the icts-announce-l mailing list to colleagues in their department.
  • To co-ordinate the gathering of information as requested by ICTS.
  • To offer feedback about ICT services from the department to ICTS.
  • To assist by assessing the ICT needs of the department.
  • To represent the department's ICT needs at faculty or department IT meetings.

As the ITL, please ensure that:

  • your role as ITL is formalised in your job description,
  • you forward all ICTS communications to your colleagues,
  • you regularly check the ICTS website ( where information about upgrades, new services, maintenance schedules and reports on problems are displayed,
  • you subscribe to ICTS's social media feeds (Facebook | Twitter), which also communicate this information,
  • you nominate a back-up ITL while you are on leave - and let us know who this is before you go,
  • you develop a communication strategy which allows you to pass on information to your colleagues. (The strategy should take into account situations where either the network or electrical power is unavailable, thereby preventing the use of either the email system or voicemail as communication tools.

Subscribe to the relevant mailing lists

Good communication relies on everyone participating in the sharing of information. Here are three important mailing lists you'll need as an ITL:

    One of the most important forms of communication that ICTS uses is the icts-announce-l mailing list. Every ITL must be subscribed to this list and must forward relevant messages to his or her colleagues. The list is open to all members of the UCT community - please encourage your colleagues to subscribe to it.
    You will be automatically subscribed to this list once we are informed that you will be representing your department as the ITL.  If we need to communicate only to IT Liaisons, rather than to the wider UCT community, we use this itl-l mailing list.

Let us know if you're leaving the role

If you're retiring, leaving UCT, changing departments, or otherwise simply stepping down from the ITL role for your department, please let us know so that we can make the relevant changes on our side. If your replacement has already been identified, inform us of their details, and if possible, discuss the role with them so that they know what to expect.