The Microsoft Campus Agreement (MCA) is a site licence designed to offer higher education institutions the easiest and most cost-effective way of using Microsoft software. UCT has the rights to run the licensed software for a 12-month period, including any new versions of the software that may be released within the same year. The MCA licence period runs from 1 May to 30 April annually.
Microsoft Windows is available to staff and postdoctoral fellows only. It is preinstalled on Windows computers that are purchased via the ICTS Acquisitions Services team. Microsoft Office is preinstalled on all Windows computers purchased via the ICTS Acquisitions Services team.
The Windows site licence at UCT entitles you to install or upgrade your UCT-owned Windows computer to run the Windows Enterprise edition as per this chart.
Microsoft 365 software is available via the cloud for staff and students to use in their personal capacity and install on personal devices:
- Students can install Microsoft 365 on up to 5 devices
- Staff can install Microsoft 365 on up to 5 devices
What is the current version in use of campus?
UCT currently uses Windows 10 and Microsoft 365.
How do I upgrade my Windows operating system?
If you wish to upgrade the version of Windows that is installed on your UCT machine (purchased with UCT funds), log a call with the IT Helpdesk by logging an online call, emailing icts-helpdesk@uct.ac.za or calling 021 650 4500.
NOTE: If you work off campus frequently and for extended periods, you will have to activate your software so that it does not expire. If you are not on campus when the renewal activation takes place, you will receive a pop-up notice after 180 days (on opening the application) informing you that activation is required.