SAP will be unavailable when load shedding or power failures occur, networks go down, or when dedicated system time has been requested.

Coming up

From To Reason Code

08/01/2025 (12h00)

13/01/2025 (08h00) Year-end processing Not avail


From To Reason Code
07/06/2024 (17h00) 08/06/2024 (18h00) To process the 2023 post-audit second-year end Not avail
09/02/2024 (16h00) 11/02/2024 (23h59) Implement E-Invoicing Not avail
04/01/2024 (12h00) 09/01/2024 (08h00) Year-end processing Not avail
SAP operating system update Not avail
09/06/2023 (17h00) 10/06/2023 (18h00) To process the 2022 post-audit second-year end. Not avail
26/05/2023 (15h00) 02/06/2023 (17h00) Annual upgrade (ESS & MSS) Not avail
26/05/2023 (15h00) 30/05/2023 (10h00) Annual upgrade (SAP) Not avail
05/01/2023 (12h00) 10/01/2023 (08h00) Year-end processing Not avail
10/06/2022 (17h00) 11/06/2022 (18h00) To process the 2021 post-audit second-year end. Not avail
27/05/2022 (15h00) 31/05/2022 (10h00) System upgrade Not avail
27/03/2022 (08h00) 27/03/2022 (17h00) Software integration Not avail
12/02/2022 (08h00) 12/02/2022 (11h00) Certificate maintenance Not avail
06/01/2022 (12h00) 11/01/2022 (08h00) Year-end processing Not avail



  • Down: Unscheduled Downtime (crashes, system hanging)
  • Not Avail: Scheduled Downtime (pre-arranged system unavailability)
  • Degraded: Unscheduled Downtime of peripheral service (e.g. network, R3print)
  • Not Used: Scheduled Downtime that was not needed
  • Cancelled: Scheduled Downtime cancelled