
To help ICTS service your request effectively, please ensure that you comply with the following prerequisites:

  • Fulfil the fundamental customer responsibilities.
  • Don’t install any other anti-virus package on your computer.
  • Install security patches when prompted.
  • Run UCT’s desktop security software on any computer connected to the UCT network, and do not deliberately compromise the security of the network by disabling the software in any way.


The servers that distribute desktop security software are available 98% of the time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week excluding official monthly maintenance windows.

Service request Service level target (working days)
Distributing virus signatures Distributed within 1 working day of release by the vendor
Distributing critical security patches Distributed in accordance to vendor recommendations
Cleaning a virus from an infected computer and re-enabling access to UCT network services if blocked Response within 2 days of the call being logged

Read the Core SLA FAQ for a detailed definition of Availability.