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University of Cape Town
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Student ICT
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About ICTS
UCT ICT Strategy
Governance Support Services Division
ICTS Water Conservation Initiative
Customer Services Division
Enterprise Infrastructure Services (EIS)
Systems Division
Scheduled ICTS maintenance slots
Policies and guidelines
Acceptable Use of Guest Wireless Access
Appropriate Use of Computer Facilities policy
Communications about power shutdowns
Data Connectivity for Staff
Metadata and Information Architecture Policy
Moving ICT equipment to a new location
Password policy
Policy on Network Access from Residence Computers
Policy on the retention of old addresses
Policy on unsecured computers at UCT
Public holidays and official UCT calendar events in the UCT email system
Rogue wireless devices are prohibited
SAP PRD emergency maintenance policy
SAP TST refresh policy
SAP user expiry policy
Securing Electronic Communications Using SSL policy
Student Computing Services Policy
Supported hardware policy
Supported software policy
Take-down procedure at UCT
The UCT network as a core ICT service
The UCT network as a “core” ICT service
The use of email nicknames at UCT
UCT Network Peering Policy
UCT Perimeter Firewall policy
Social Responsibility Initiatives
Autism awareness month 2019
ICTS collection for Cape Town fire victims
ICTS pet food and supplies drive
ICTS Pink Drive
ICTS Saartjie Baartman Centre fundraiser
ICTS Cares: where else can you help?
UCT respects Copyright
Copyright 101
FAQs copyright
ICTS infographics: Tips, tricks and how to's
Publications & Reports
ICTS Bits & Bytes newsletters
Interesting ICT reads
Four tips to beat the load shedding blues
Stay connected during loadshedding
Stay productive during loadshedding
The web: 25 years on at UCT
Administrative Systems
Metadata and information architecture services
About the Metadata Working Group
Glossary: Metadata and information architecture
Perceptive Content
FAQs Perceptive Content
SAP modules in use at UCT
SAP services unavailable Sunday 27th March
SAP system availability schedule
The UCT Governance Intranet
Governance Intranet guidelines for servicing officers
Governance Intranet roles and access
Types of committees
The UCT role model
UCT role model: alumni
UCT role model: staff
UCT role model: students
UCT role model: third parties
Third Party System
FAQs third parties
The UCT Third Party System
Third Party System: procedures for applicants
Third Party System: procedures for sponsoring departments
Collaboration and Communication Services
Anywhere 365
Features and benefits of Anywhere 365
List of UCCs at UCT
Monitoring and reporting for supervisors
Anywhere 365 user instructions
Add and remove agents from a UCC
Install Snapper and connect to your Unified Contact Centre
Monitor agents who are not using snapper
Wallboard installation procedure
Anywhere 365 training
Phones at UCT
Access your UCT phone records
Access your voicemail
Configuring audio settings for incoming calls
FAQs phones at UCT
Features of your Polycom CCX400 IP phone
Get to know your Polycom CCX 400 IP phone
Headset recommendations
Install and sign in to the Polycom CCX400
Important changes to voicemail
Life without Polycom phones
Phone accounts at UCT
Return unused Polycom phones
Save money by returning unused Polycom phones
Useful numbers
Unified communication service requests
FAQs Telephony service changes
Change to how Microsoft Teams meetings recordings are saved
Collaborate with Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams live events: organiser checklist
Teams Help
What's new in Microsoft Teams
FAQs for Microsoft Teams meetings
Get to know Microsoft Teams at UCT in 1-2-3
Join a UCT Teams event
Meeting recordings in Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams best practice guidelines
Microsoft Teams call functionality
Microsoft Teams call functionality FAQs
Microsoft Teams comparison guide
Microsoft Teams FAQs
Microsoft Teams for students
Microsoft Teams information sessions
Microsoft Teams live events FAQs
Microsoft Teams online courses
Microsoft Teams use case: Academic staff
Microsoft Teams use case: Groups and Committees
Microsoft Teams use case: Live events
Microsoft Teams use case: PASS staff
Making UCT phone calls while working remotely
Microsoft Teams use case: Projects
Microsoft Teams use case: Research
Microsoft Teams use case: Teaching and Learning
Microsoft Teams use case: Vendor management
Microsoft Teams webinars
Microsoft Teams: Meetings vs Live events vs Webinars
Set up a Microsoft Teams live event
UCT background images for Teams
The UCT White Pages
FAQs The UCT White Pages
Video conferencing
Zoom at UCT
Choosing between Zoom and Microsoft Teams
When do I need a Zoom licence?
Access the shared video conference bridge
Conduct a video conference using existing conference venues on campus
FAQs video conferencing
Purchase and install video conference equipment
Software-based video conferencing at UCT
Venue considerations for video conferencing
Video conferencing at UCT
Adobe Acrobat Sign
Adobe Acrobat Sign FAQ's
Microsoft Stream is now available on SharePoint
Core Service Level Agreement
Access to files on central storage
Access to internet services
Annual lab project management
Campus, wireless and residence network
Central administration system – SAP Financial, HR and Plant Maintenance modules
Classroom AV/IT equipment
Conference calling
Core Service Level Agreement
CSS Helpdesk
Desktop security systems
Development of central and student administration systems
Email and calendaring
Facilities to control access and usage on a telephone line
FAQs: Core Service Level Agreement
Feature phones & accessories
Hardware and software acquisition and installation
Hardware and software re-installation
Hardware repair
IT Helpdesk
MCQ processing
Network printing
Password management
Provision of software
Remote access to resources on UCT network (UCT VPN)
Remote access to UCT Libraries' electronic resources
Rental of ICT equipment
Self-service online application and access to student information on the web
Student administration systems – PeopleSoft, RMS and Syllabus+
System for non-ICTS IT support staff: ServiceNow
Telkom phonebook entry
Third party system
Training services
UCT network identity
UCT online directory (White Pages)
UCT switchboard
UCT telephone line and extension with basic handset
Video conferencing
Data backup & Storage
Back up your data using OneDrive
Data backup in five easy steps
Back up your Mac
Use Archive Manager to back up your data in Ubuntu
Windows data backup options
FAQs: moving F: drive content to OneDrive for Business
Storage options
Cloud applications at UCT
Changes to OneDrive links
Google Workspace
Google Drive quota FAQs
FAQs Storage
Move your data from your F: drive to OneDrive for Business
Tips to better manage your files and folders
Use NetStorage to access your files off campus
OneDrive for Business Student
Email at UCT
Access the mailbox of a person who left UCT
Collaborate and communicate using Microsoft 365 groups
Domain-based message authentication policy
Email for alumni
Email for retirees
Email for staff
Email nicknames at UCT
FAQs Email
Guide for writing effective email messages
Mailing lists
Communicate more effectively via Everlytic
Manage mailing lists
Manage a shared mailbox at UCT
Move from Mailman mailing lists to Microsoft 365 groups FAQs
Office 365 Thunderbird setup
Outlook security certificate warnings appearing at random
Set up Outlook on your Apple Mac
Set up your UCT mailbox on your mobile device
Spam filtering at UCT
UCT email naming standard
UCT Internet calendars (iCal)
Microsoft Purview Message Encryption
Hardware and software
Hardware support
Exceptions to the supported hardware policy
Supported hardware and warranty
What to do if your computer doesn’t work
HP Laptop battery recall
Purchasing hardware and software
FAQs Acquisitions
ICTS equipment rental service
Microsoft software
Support offered to Windows users
FAQs Microsoft Campus Agreement
Terms of use of the Microsoft Campus Agreement
Microsoft Visio and Project applications are not available in the Microsoft Campus Agreement
Activation of Windows if you are off campus for long periods
Manage your productivity with Microsoft tools
FAQs Microsoft Windows
FAQs 64-bit and 32-bit Operating Systems and Applications
Microsoft Office 2010
Office 2013
Office 2013: enhancing productivity
Office 2016: Productivity at its best
Office 365 for staff
Office 365 for students
Terms of use: Office 365 for students
Office 365 system requirements
Install Office 365
FAQs Office 365
Microsoft to cease support for Windows 7 in January 2020
Changes to Microsoft services
The standard installation and configuration on a UCT-owned machine
Reduced pricing for Adobe software
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
The features of Adobe Acrobat Pro Document Cloud
The features of NVivo
The features of Read&Write Gold
What can SPSS do?
STATISTICA for Windows
UCT brings you the power of MATLAB and Simulink
FAQs Windows 11
Software testing
Windows 11
Windows 11 upgrade - what you need to know
FAQs Software testing
macOS 10.14 Mojave: Tested
macOS 10.13 High Sierra: Testing completed
macOS 12 Monterey: tested
macOS 10.12 Sierra: Tested
What's new in macOS10.12 Sierra?
macOS Big Sur 11.0: tested
macOS Catalina 10.15: Testing completed
Microsoft Office 2011 for Apple Mac OS X: tested
Microsoft Office 2013, Visio 2013 and Project 2013 for Windows 7: tested
Microsoft Office 2010 for Windows: Tested
Office 2016 for Mac: currently testing
New features in Office 2016 for Mac
Office 2016 for Windows: currently testing
New features in Office 2016 for Windows
OS X 10.10 Yosemite: Tested
OS X 10.11 El Capitan: tested
What’s New in El Capitan?
Service Pack 1 for Windows 7: Tested
Windows 10 testing
Moving from Windows 7 to Windows 10 – help and resources
Windows 10 brings you the best of old and new
Windows 10 for Apple
Windows feature update to be rolled out at UCT
Windows feature update to be rolled out at UCT
Windows 8 Enterprise: Tested
Windows 8.1: Testing completed
Linux operating system
Mac operating system
FAQs Apple Mac
Laptop care tips for longevity
ZENworks Software Distribution
Internet and networking
About network drives at UCT
Connect a Linux or Unix computer to UCT network drives
Connect a Windows computer to UCT network drives
Connect an Apple Mac computer to UCT network drives
Connect to the UCT network
Find your IP address
Find your MAC address
How to report a problem with WiFi access
Access the internet at UCT
Bandwidth at UCT
Bandwidth usage reports (2015)
Bandwidth usage reports (2016)
Bandwidth usage reports (2017)
FAQs internet and bandwidth
Network Access Control
Network Access Control: configure your Apple Mac
Network Access Control: configure your Linux computer
Network Access Control: configure your Windows 10 computer
Network Access Control: configure your Windows 7 computer
Network Access Control: configure your Windows 8 computer
Request a network point
TENET mirror service
The UCT Network Renewal project
UCT services to be impacted by ICTS maintenance on Sunday 3rd April
Visitors to UCT: a quick guide to getting connected
7 tips for boosting your WiFi experience at UCT
Automatically set up your wireless connection using eduroam CAT
Connect your Android device to the UCT wireless service
Connect your iOS device to the UCT wireless service
Connect your Linux computer to the UCT wireless service
Connect your Mac computer to the UCT wireless service
Connect your mobile device to the UCT wireless service (for non-Android and non-iOS devices)
Connect your Windows laptop to the UCT wireless service
Eduroam authentication certificate updated for 2021
eduroam now available in Cape Town public libraries
eduroam now available in certain local hospitals
FAQs wireless
Rules for using eduroam at UCT
Using eduroam at other institutions
Wireless access for UCT guests
Zero-rated mobile data access to specific UCT online resources
IT services for conferences and events
Instructions on using the new printers
New and improved printers for UCT
Printing for staff
Accessing printer information
FAQs Printing
Sending printouts to another printer on campus via iPrint
Printing for students
Research Computing
FAQs Research Computing
About the UCT CSIRT
Currently blocked ports on the UCT Perimeter Firewall
FAQs Firewall
How UCT deals with unsecured computers
Securing your device
FAQs Anti-virus
How ICTS deals with virus threats
Trellix Endpoint Security User Guide
McAfee updates
UCT Anti-virus Policy
How to disable System Restore
Patches and Updates
FAQs patches and updates
Installing updates on your Linux Computer
Installing updates on your Apple mac computer
Temporarily disable Gatekeeper
Temporarily disable Gatekeeper
Installing updates on your Windows computer
Security Resources
Banking and buying safety
precautions for banking and paying online
Shopping and banking online
The perils of buying and selling online
Tips for buying and selling online
Cyber safety on the move
12 things you should know about using public WiFi and computers
Beware of public computers
Keeping cyber safe on the move
Phone stolen? Don’t panic
General cyber security
Avoid phishing attacks
Beware of the fake Microsoft support crew
Damien’s password fail
Dangers of public WiFi access
Help! My identity has been stolen
Internet predators: who are you really talking to?
Thandi's story: The terror of cyber-stalking
Handy tips and tools for staying cyber secure
Cyber security infographics
Device safety
Be app smart
Find My iphone
6 handy tips to protect your devices from theft
Social media safety
10 important facts and tips about social media safety
Beat cyber bullying
Beware of what you share
Clickjacking and how to avoid being caught
Lock down your security settings
Scammers are out to get you
Spam and phishing protection
FAQs Spam and Phishing
Encrypt documentation using AES Crypt
Student Computing
Access to services
FAQs Services
Allocation of UCT laptops
Setting up your IT at UCT: students
Email for students
Installing a desktop client for your myUCT account
Read your myUCT email on your iOS device
Getting connected for students
New computer setup
Please set up your UCT password BEFORE arriving on campus
Residence networking
FAQ networking in residences
Residence IT Representatives
Secure your computer
Be cyber secure
Playing IT safe: Piracy
Playing IT safe: Removable media and viruses
Playing IT safe: Social networking
What is malware?
Software for students
Microsoft Azure for STEM Students
ICTS-managed student computing labs
About Garth Hector
About Hilton Kannemeyer
Costing model for ICTS-managed student computing labs
Engineering & Built Environment (EBE) Student Computing Labs
About Theo Armstrong
FAQs Lab imaging
Residence Labs
About Lee-Ann Smith
Science Computing Labs
About Gerhard Mohamed
Standard lab software
Student computing lab availability during COVID-19
UCT Mobile
UCT Mobile features
Your student account
Teaching & Learning
About Classroom Support Services
About the UCT classroom
Charges for using centrally-bookable classrooms
Classroom Technology Support
FAQs classroom support
List of classrooms not upgraded during Classroom Renewal Project
List of upgraded classrooms at UCT
Online examinations and tests: tips for students
Recording a lecture
The ICTS MCQ service
UCT Classroom Renewal Project
Polycom phone upgrades in classrooms
Adobe Acrobat DC courses
Customised training
FAQs Training
Gartner at UCT
Microsoft 365 training
Outlook courses
PowerPoint courses
Word courses
SAP training
Self-training resources
Adobe TV
LinkedIn Learning at UCT
LinkedIn Learning FAQs
Recommended resources for digital literacy
Setting up your IT at UCT: staff
Setting up your IT at UCT: visitors and temporary staff
Short courses
Technical Business Writing course
Captivate Presentation
Email writing seminar
Guidelines for new and existing forms
Procedure and Process writing workshops
UCT Web Content Management System Training
ICTS Training information sessions
Web publishing
Creating a new website
A guide for preparing your new website
Final web design checklist
Writing for the web
Blogging at UCT
FAQs Wordpress
Terms of use for the UCT blog platform (WordPress)
UCT web policies
User roles and responsibilities for the Drupal CMS
Creating a website
Where do you want to host your site?
Hosting on the specialised hosting environment (LAMP)
FAQs LAMP hosting
Terms of use for the specialised hosting environment: LAMP
Terms of use for the content managed environment (WordPress)
Working remotely
Digitally sign documentation
Flexible working at UCT
Manage your data usage when working remotely
Install updates using mobile data
Internet connectivity while working remotely
Manage your data usage while learning remotely
Remote Desktop Services
Remote Desktop for mobile devices
Remote Desktop Services for Windows
Remote Desktop Services for Apple
Remote Desktop Services for Linux
Remote tools
Activating Windows on your UCT laptop
UCT laptop collection
Virtual Private Network
Access your work computer from home using VPN
Install AnyConnect
Your Account
Logging on to UCT services
Multi-factor authentication
Multi-factor authentication at UCT
Set up MFA
MFA undergrad schedule
FAQs multi-factor authentication
FAQs The UCT password system
Managing your password
What to do after you change your password
Are you ready to go on leave?
What to do before leaving UCT
How we support you at ICTS
IT Liaisons (ITLs)
Your role and responsibilities as an IT Liaison
Logging support requests online
FAQs Managing your ICT requests and incidents
Demand requests
Managing and checking calls and orders in the Service Portal
NOW Mobile: how to download and install the app
The IT Service Desk
FAQs Desktop Management
FAQs IT Service Desk
Remote desktop support
FAQs Remote desktop support
The ICTS Front Office
ICTS walk-in centre
Classroom support at UCT
Student computing lab support
Social media support
ICTS price lists
Items for sale
CSS items for sale
Equipment and software price list
Hiring of the ICTS Training labs
ICTS Services Price List
Price list for disposal of goods older than 5 years
Contact us
Directions to ICTS
Get ICTS updates
Outlook web vs Outlook desktop
Service Catalogue
Visit the
UCT ServiceNow service portal
to log an incident or make a request.