A demand is a request for ICTS to look at providing a new service or system (i.e. something not catered for at present); or to substantially redesign or develop an existing service or system. The demand request differs from simply logging a call to place an order or to request assistance.
ICTS, with the support of the UCT Operations Management Advisory Group (OpsMAG), has formalised the process by which the campus community requests new system developments.
Demand requests will be prioritised as a collective and the turnaround time for decision making can be anything between 4 to 6 weeks.
Submit a demand request
If your request relates to an existing system (SAP, Research Administration, or a Student Administration System), please contact the relevant system support hub to submit your request. For all other requests, follow the procedure below.
- Log on to the Service Portal.
- Search for Demand request then select that option from the search results.
- Fill out each section of the page, then click Submit.
- Once this form has been submitted, it will be sent to your line manager for review and endorsement.
- The requestor may be contacted to complete a Work Complexity and Prioritisation assessment as supporting documentation to the demand submission.
What happens once your demand request is received?
- Once received, your request will be evaluated by technical staff and senior management at ICTS. In addition, if the request has considerable financial implications, it may be referred to the IT Investment and Prioritisation Committee.
- Recommendations from the abovementioned groups will be documented and tabled for discussion at the next senior management meeting.
- A decision will be made to either proceed with the request or not and you will be informed of the final outcome.
- If the request is approved, an ICTS Project Manager will engage with you until the request has been fulfilled.
- resource constraints
- the system/service no longer being supported by ICTS
- an existing system or service that provides the required functionality may be recommended