ICTS provides support for Linux at different levels, depending on which Linux installation is used. Full support is offered for SLED (SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop) 10 and above and partial support is offered for Ubuntu installations.
- SLED distributions are available from the SUSE website.
- Ubuntu distributions are available from www.leg.uct.ac.za as well as mirror.tenet.ac.za.
- A number of other open source packages and distributions are also available via the following two mirror sites on the South African National Research Network (SANReN):
Keep your Linux machine safe
Anti-virus: You must install an anti-virus program and ensure that it is updated daily. Install McAfee anti-virus (Linuxshield) which is available from the ICTS Downloads page.
Patches and updates: ZENworks Linux Management (ZLM) ensures that your SLED desktop is automatically kept up-to-date with all the latest software and patch updates. A key is used to assign the default policies and package groups to a specific client system that has been registered with the ZLM server.
Get connected
Eduroam: Staff and students can connect to the eduroam wireless network on campus and at hundreds of eduroam-subscribed universities worldwide. Use the Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT) to easily and securely set up your eduroam connection.
Network: SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 (SLED 10) and up, with service pack 1
SLED 10 is compatible with our Novell servers and is included in UCT’s Novell Academic License Agreement (ALA). Follow the instructions on our website to connect your Linux machine to the network.
Getting support
ICTS will attempt to solve any problem associated with these Linux distributions. However, as some research may be required, such support calls may take longer to resolve.
To get support or help with your Linux machine, please contact the IT Helpdesk by logging an online call sending an email to icts-helpdesk@uct.ac.za or calling (021) 650-4500.