The UCT Digital Certificates Verification Portal allows external third parties (i.e. employers, higher education institutions, organisations) to view and verify digital UCT certificates. These certificates are accessible once you’re registered on the portal and have established a connection with a student.

DC verification portal

A student can send you a connection request to allow you access to view their certificate. Once you accept a student's request and have a registered profile, their certificate will be visible to you for a set period. There is an option to extend a connection, which can be initiated by either you or the student. 

Once you’re registered on the portal, you also have an option to search student profiles who have made their information accessible to third parties. You can then initiate a connection, which the student must approve before you can view their certificates.

Create your user profile on the verification portal

  1. Navigate to and click Register
  2. Enter your email address that the student used to connect with you. If you haven’t established a connection with a student yet, you can select which email address to register on the portal.
    Note: We recommend using your work email address, so that the student can validate the company or institution you’re from.
  3. Enter a password and then confirm it.
  4. Click Next.
  5. You will be prompted to enter your personal details in the relevant fields.
    • First name
    • Last name
  6. Click Next.
  7. On the Confirmation page, ensure that all your information is correct. 
    • If anything needs to be updated, click the Previous button. Once you're happy with the updates, click Register.
    • If no changes are required, click Register.
  8. In your mailbox, open the confirmation email that has been sent to you and verify your email address. Upon successful completion, you will be directed to the verification portal where you can now log on.
Access the verification portal
  1. Navigate to and click Login.
  2. Enter your email address that you used to register on the portal and the password that you created.
  3. Click Log in.
Note: if an error message appears, please check that you’re using the email address that is registered on the portal and then click Forgot my password. The system will check whether your email address is registered on the system. Once confirmed please enter your new password and confirm it in the relevant fields. Click Reset Password.

If a profile is not registered for you on the system, you will need to register your profile on the portal again.

From the portal dashboard, you can view or create connections with students to access their certificates.

Manage your third party profile

All third parties who have access to the UCT Digital Certificates Portal has a dedicated profile which contains

  • Photograph (where applicable)
  • Personal details (name, surname, username, phone number, email address)
  • Additional contact information
  • Addresses
  • Change password option 
IMPORTANT: this is only applicable to your password used for the verification portal.
View or edit your profile
  1. Click your name in the top right corner of the portal screen.
  2. On the Profile and logout option page, Click View > edit my profile link.
  3. On the Profile screen, you can either view or edit your
    • Personal details
    • Additional contact information
    • Phone numbers
    • Email address
    • Social media handles
    • Physical address
    • Change your password 
      • Click Change Password.
      • Enter your current password.
      • Enter your new password.
      • Reenter your new password and Click Save.

Manage connections

A student can either create a connection with you, or you can search the verification portal for students who meet your requirements and send them a request. As soon as you approve a connection, or a student gives you permission to view their academic records, their documentation will be visible to you.

Click the Connections tab to view all active and pending connection requests. You can manage existing connections, as well as create and approve new ones. 

Click Active to view existing connections, and Inactive to see what connections are expired, rejected, or cancelled. 

Connection information appears as follows:

  • Student name
  • Student email address
  • Connection status (active, inactive or pending)
  • Initiator
  • Documents shared with you
  • Connection expiry date
  • Actions available to you
Create a new connection
  1. Navigate to the Connection tab and click Add Connection.
  2. In the Add Connection window, click Create.
  3. Enter the following information about the student and then click Send:
    • Name
    • Email
    • Message (optional)
  4. A request will be sent to the student to review.
  5. When the student accepts the connection request, the status will change from Pending to Active on the Connections page.
  6. You can now view the certificate until the expiration date.
Accept a new connection

Each time a student sends a connection request it will appear under Active on the Connections page. You can choose to accept or delete a connection. 

Accept a connection request initiated by a student by following the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the Connections tab and click the tick icon   under Actions.
  2. A Success confirmation message appears.
  3. Click OK.

The student record will now appear as active. 

Extend a connection

A default expiration date is set each time a connection request is created. You can request an extension, however, the student must approve the request, or else the connection will expire at the current date.

  1. On the Connections tab, under Actions section, click the clock icon   next to the applicable document.
  2. In the Request Connection Extension window, select your preferred date and click Save > OK.
  3. A request is sent to the student to review and action.

This process can also be used to re-establish an inactive connection, by clicking the Inactive button on the Connections page.

Cancel a connection
  1. On the Connections tab, under the Actions section, click the bin icon   next to the applicable document.
  2. On the Confirmation screen, click Yes to delete the connection.
  3. Click OK.

View certificates

  1. Navigate to the Connections page and click the magnifying glass icon   under Actions to view a student’s certificates.
  2. Each certificate is displayed in a card. Click View on the applicable card to access the student's certificate. The document may take a few minutes to load.
  3. A digital version of your certificate is displayed.
  4. Use the applicable icons to rotate the page, zoom in or out and move the document around.
Report an issue with a certificate

Should you have any concerns about a student's certificate, please email the student directly.

Search for students on the verification portal

Students can choose to share their contact details on the verification portal. This then allows you to search available student records and make a connection with those who meet your requirements. You will be able to view their

  • Name and surname
  • Qualification
  • Level of study

By clicking the Search menu item on the portal’s dashboard, you can use the 

  • Search function
  • Advanced search function
  • Search results
Use the search function
  1. Enter criteria in the Search field (i.e., a student’s name, surname, email address, qualification, etc.)
  2. Press Enter on your keyboard.
  3. The applicable results will appear.
Advanced search function
  1. Click the Settings icon next to the Filter.
  2. On the Advanced Search screen, enter criteria in the appropriate fields
    • Full or partial name of the student
    • Qualification
    • Level of study
    • Skills
  3. The applicable results will appear.
Connect with a student from search results
  1. Select the Details magnifying glass icon    next to the applicable student record.
  2. On the Documents window, click Create Connection.
  3. On the Add Connection screen, the student’s name will appear. Enter a message, if applicable, and click Send.
  4. A request will be sent to the student to review and action.
    NOTE: Should you prefer not to send a connection click Cancel.

Logout of the portal

Remember to logout of the portal each time you use it.

  1. Click your name in the top right corner of the portal screen.
  2. On the Profile and logout option page, Click View > edit my profile link.
  3. On the Profile screen click Logout.