ICT services available to campus

24 Jul 2018
24 Jul 2018

As UCT students and staff members, you can access a wide range of ICT services to help you operate efficiently on and off campus.


The ICTS website provides a detailed overview of all the services that are available to you. It’s worth noting that access to some services may differ depending on whether you are a staff member, third party, or student. These are outlined in the ICT guide for staff and students, which is kept up to date as services or systems are introduced, updated, or discontinued.

If you’re new to UCT and need a kick start to access certain ICT services, have a look at the staff, student, or visitor digital checklists. These guidelines will get you set up and ready to operate in no time.

And, while it may seem that ICTS manages all ICT services on campus, the reality is that different UCT departments operate certain services. For example, Vula is managed by the Centre of Innovation in Learning and Teaching. You can get Vula help by sending an email to cilt-helpdesk@uct.ac.za. Similarly, PeopleSoft is managed by UCT’s Admissions Office. Send all PeopleSoft-related queries to the PeopleSoft Helpdesk at sss-helpdesk@uct.ac.za, or you can phone 021 650 5227. While ICTS oversees the UCT Managed Print Services vendor contract, we are not responsible for assisting with queries or resolving incidents. For assistance, you’ll need to contact the UCT MPS Helpdesk via uctmps@altron.com or phone 021 650 4815.

If you’re unsure of anything ICT-related, you are welcome to send an email to the ICTS Feedback account for assistance: icts-feedback@uct.ac.za.