Marco Rossi presents an introduction to MATLAB and Simulink
Dr Marco Rossi will present a training session on the use of MATLAB and Simulink for students on the 7th of September 2021. The details of the session are as follows:
Introduction to MATLAB and Simulink
Code to Learn as the new professional skill of the future
Date: Tuesday, September the 7th 2021
Time: 10:00-11:00
Click here to join the meeting
MATLAB and Simulink are tools developed by MathWorks which are used by engineers and scientists to analyze data for homework, visualize complex problems, model systems, and develop the computational skills that prepare you for your future career from engineering to science, from biology to artificial intelligence, and more.
Are your interests related to top-ranked innovation topics as autonomous driving, space exploration, climate change investigation, battle against Covid-19, ethology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, robotics and many others? MATLAB and Simulink are industrial standards in many companies worldwide you will work with sooner or later in your career.
The University of Cape Town has access to the latest releases of MATLAB, Simulink and all toolboxes developed by MathWorks for specific science-based fields.
In this seminar, MATLAB and Simulink will be presented starting from a zero-knowledge level. Then, videos, online tutorials, documentations, and cheat sheets will be presented with the aim of enhancing your skills. This material is a useful repository of information that you can use now, in future and every time you will need to refresh such concepts.
MathWorks tools have been, are, and will be used in different courses and projects during your academic path. This seminar is a unique opportunity to learn or review concepts which will be central in your future career. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Marco Rossi Bio
Marco Rossi is EDU Customer Success Engineer at MathWorks. He supports professors and researchers in the use of MATLAB and Simulink for their research and teaching activities. Marco graduated in Aeronautical Engineering from La Sapienza, University of Rome. Since 2015 he has carried out research activities at TU Dresden in Germany, where in 2019 he obtained a PhD in Mechanical Engineering due to his work on theoretical modeling and numerical simulation (finite elements) of soft materials, such as polymers and smart gels. Marco has taught several courses at the TU Dresden Institute of Solid Mechanics including statics and intelligent materials.