- Download the Linux installation file.
- Open Terminal and give the file "execute" permission by typing:
chmod +x /path_to_your_download_folder/eduroam-linux-UoCT.sh - In Terminal, run your script by typing:
(Substitute the text "path_to_your_download_folder" with the actual path.) - When prompted, enter your UCT username@wf.uct.ac.za and UCT network password.
- Confirm your password.

To set up your connection to eduroam, you need to first secure your computer, then set it up to connect to eduroam and, finally, configure your web browser.
Step 1: Secure your computer
Before you connect to the UCT wireless service, your computer must comply with UCT Networking policies:
- Your device must have the latest operating system updates or patches.
- Your device must have an up-to-date anti-virus software program (e.g. McAfee - which is available at no cost to all UCT staff and students).
Failure to comply with these requirements puts you in violation of the Policy on unsecured computers at UCT - and you could lose access to the UCT network.
Step 2: Set up your eduroam connection in one of two ways
Automatically set up your computer using eduroam CAT
If your laptop can also connect via network cable, configure your web browser(s) for automatic proxy detection.
Manually set up your computer
Instructions are available for:
SLED 10 - Gnome
To set up the connection via Network Manager, follow these steps:
- Select Computer > More Applications.
- In the Application Browser window, click Network Manger Editor under the System section.
- In the Wireless Network dialog box, select eduroam from the Wireless Networks column.
- In the Wireless Network Key Required dialog box:
- Network Manager automatically detects certain settings. Ensure that the following information is correct:
- Wireless Security: WPA Enterprise
- EAP Method: PEAP
- Key Type: Automatic
- For Identity, enter your username@wf.uct.ac.za (“username” is your student or staff number)
- For Password, enter your UCT network password. (Note: Don't enter any CA certificate information.)
- Click Connect.
- Network Manager automatically detects certain settings. Ensure that the following information is correct:
- If your laptop can also connect via a network cable, configure your web browser(s) correctly.
These steps were tested on Ubuntu 13.04.
- Click the network configuration icon on the taskbar.
- When the Wireless Networks menu listing appears, select eduroam from the list.
- In the WiFi Authentication Required dialog box:
- Ensure that you set the following options:
- WiFi security: WPA & WPA2 Enterprise
- Authentication: Protected EAP (PEAP)
- PEAP Version: Automatic
- Inner Authentication: MSCHAPv2
- For Username, enter your username@wf.uct.ac.za (“username” is your student or staff number).
- For Password, enter your UCT network password.
- Leave all other fields blank.
- Click Connect.
- Ensure that you set the following options:
- When the No Certificate Authority certificate chosen dialog box appears:
- Check Don't warn me again.
- Click Ignore.
- If your laptop can also connect via a network cable, configure your web browser(s) correctly.
Step 3: Configure your web browser(s) correctly
Warning: Using your laptop with 3G or other wireless services
After setting up and saving your eduroam connection, eduroam will allocate an IP address to your device. If you then connect your laptop to a different service that controls your wireless connectivity (e.g. a cellular 3G connection), you may experience issues with eduroam. If this happens, seek assistance from ICTS.
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