Bytes shave deployed 6 high-capacity devices in document centres and print rooms for bulk and secure printing. All these centres offer:
- High-speed black-and-white printing (125 pages per minute)
- High-speed colour printing (90 pages per minute)
- Finishing services
- Stapling
- Binding
- Spiral binding
- Cover insertion

Locations and contact details for secure printing
Send an email to and indicate which one of the following centres you would like to use:
- Robert Leslie Commerce Building, 1st Floor Print Room
- Beattie Building, 1st Floor Print Room
- Masingene Building, 3rd Floor Print Room
- Graduate School of Business, 1st Floor Print Room
Secure and exam material printing process
- Book a venue:
You will need to book a venue to ensure that your secure print job is the only job being processed at the time. You can book by sending an email to and selecting one of the venues listed above that is most convenient for you.
We recommend that you book your print job five working days in advance. Please specify that the job is secure or exam printing, and include details of the types of printing that will be required, e.g. colour, black and white, and the print finishing needed.
The venue can be booked:
- per hour
- half day
- full day
- multiple days
- Select two representatives from your department to oversee the print job. These representatives must remain in the document centre during printing.
- Depending on the job size and required finishing, either one or two Bytes print operators will be present in the document centre for the duration of the print run.
- Ensure the printer memory is set to clear after the job is complete:
- On the printer, select Copy (not Copy and Save) so that the documents do not remain in the printer’s memory store.
- On the printer, select Copy (not Copy and Save) so that the documents do not remain in the printer’s memory store.
- Once printing of the secure print job commences, all current and pending print jobs in the document centre will be suspended and moved away from the printers.
- The area around the printers, and any tables used for the secure printing, will be completely cleared of any documents and other materials.
- A job sheet will be created for each secure print job. The sheet will detail the opening meter reading and closing meter reading.
- In the event of a printer jam while a secure job is in progress:
- All pages stuck in the printer will be removed.
- All pages ejected during the jam-clearing process will be removed.
- All of these pages will be marked as spoilt:
a black line is drawn corner to corner
the word damaged is clearly written on the page
- These pages are given to the department representatives.
- Printing will be boxed on completion of the job.
- The document centre is only opened for business as usual once both departmental representatives have signed off that the area is clear.
All Xerox Devices are managed and maintained under a central managed solution: UCT Managed Print Services.
- Tel: 021 650 4815
- Email:
Support hours:
- Onsite support: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- Telephonic support: Weekdays: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. and Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- After hours telephonic support: 021 650 4815 (This number is routed to the after hours support centre. Please request to speak to the UCT standby personnel.)